Jonathan Will

Projects and Research

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Research Team Websites


The goal of this project was to create easily editable and maintainable websites to showcase each team’s research.

Project Description

I’m part of a research group at the TU Berlin and part of a collaboration between the TU Berlin and the University of Glasgow. To make our research accessible, we want to continuously publish and update the pages with our latest results.

Within the limitations of our university website’s content management system, this has been tedious and time-consuming. Therefore, we needed easily editable external websites to display the latest information.

These are the links to the resulting websites:

Research overview for DOS at TU Berlin
ARM collaboration between Berlin and Glasgow

Personal Contributions

I built the foundations of the websites, including layout and styles. I also set up the continuous deployment via GitHub Pages. The sites feature responsive design, meaning they dynamically adjust to screen size and are easy to navigate on all devices.

All pages can be easily maintained through markdown by anyone who has used git before, which means that any researcher can quickly edit the pages without having to learn new technologies.

Technology Used Purpose
Bootstrap CSS Framework with ready-to-use responsive elements
Jekyll Static site generator that allows editing the website’s content with markdown and the site’s directory structure to be defined with YAML
GitHub Pages Hosting option for static sites with automatic deployment upon a push to the reference repository on GitHub.