Jonathan Will

Online Résumé

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Jonathan Will

Computer Enthusiast
  • Berlin (Schöneberg)


Doctorate in Computer Science

TU Berlin, Germany
Oct 2020 - ongoing   

Master's in Computer Science

TU Berlin, Germany
Oct 2018 - Sep 2020

Bachelor's in Computer Science

TU Ilmenau, Germany
Oct 2013 - Mar 2017


Research and Teaching

TU Berlin: DOS Research Group
Oct 2020 - ongoing   
  • Researching resource management for distributed data processing
  • Reviewing submissions to international research conferences
  • Teaching courses and supervising student theses
  • Building websites that describe current research in our team

Water Infrastructure Data Analytics

TU Berlin: DOS Research Group
Oct 2020 - Aug 2022
  • Developed a distributed data stream processing platform
  • Evaluated the system for scalability and automatic failure recovery
  • Supervised a working student and a student writing a thesis

Natural Language Processing Project

TU Berlin, Fraunhofer FOKUS
Apr 2019 - Jul 2019
  • Researched the state of the art in natural language processing
  • Deployed a trained classifier for online hate speech detection
  • Implemented a web-based chat application for the live demonstration
  • Led and organized an international team of students in a project

E-Commerce Automation

Apr 2017 - Sep 2018
  • Developed a web dashboard to monitor and evaluate market prices
  • Engineered storage and analytics solutions for historical pricing data
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